We support you at each stage of the process from the moment you discover Bitcoin and learn about it to the stage when you finally harness its power.
A facilitated conversation within the organisation generally marks the starting point of this process. We foster constructive exchanges allowing serene discussions, triggering curiosity and providing answers to burning questions. This preliminary phase logically leads to training initiatives tailored to your needs. More in-depth strategic thinking can follow, which will serve as a foundation for the design and implementation of tailored solutions for your organisation.

Engaging in a serene and effective conversation about this technology which is reshaping the world has become critical. We facilitate this process for you.

Project Support
Tap into our broad expertise to mainstream and support the process of adoption by your target populations (pilot, scaling-up).

Capacity Building
and go deeper

Building on my expertise in the fields of natural resource management and sustainable development, and eager to find better ways to address the systemic obstacles affecting development initiatives, I discovered Bitcoin in 2017 and realized its sheer transformational potential.
In 2022 I rolled out the first tailored approach to Bitcoin learning based on the original holistic 4-quadrant methodology.
2024 marks the launch of a set of training and consultancy services to support the adoption of this «super-tool for sustainable development».
Building on my expertise in natural resource management and sustainable development, and eager to find better ways to address the systemic obstacles affecting development initiatives, I discovered Bitcoin in 2017 and realized its sheer transformational potential.
In 2022 I rolled out the first tailored approach to Bitcoin learning based on the holistic 4-quadrant methodology. In 2024 I’m launching training and consultancy services to boost the adoption of this «super-tool for sustainable development».
The Moment Is Now!
Our world is undergoing profound change...
Our model of society has reached its limits on many levels, and as we strive to reinvent ourselves we are groping our way along new paths. The Bitcoin technology, a major scientific breakthrough, is taking off against this turbulent backdrop.
Bitcoin's remarkable potential is finally coming to light...
Fifteen years on, Bitcoin is delivering on all its promises. Every day we become a more aware of its unique potential as a catalyst for economic, social and environmental development.
Everyone is getting ready for this historic technological leap...
Across the Atlantic, Wall Street, the political and institutional world, the media… all are now working hard to take advantage of this historic technological leap: the organic deployment of the Internet of Value!