Acquire the Bitcoin basics and dig deeper


Once the core training completed, you will have a good grasp of what Bitcoin is, its origins and deeper meaning, its scope and the key issues at stake. You will be familiar with the general principles governing its functioning, the stakeholder dynamics guaranteeing its resilience, and the factors influencing its adoption and price. You will become fully aware of the richness of a fast-growing open-source ecosystem and the many current and future use cases.

You’ll then be able to put these concepts into practice, developing new skills in an almost playful way! Well acquainted with the best practices, you will interact safely with the Bitcoin network. You’ll get a real feel for this technological breakthrough and start to explore avenues of solutions for your organisation.

Finally, you will be able to discern the true influence of Bitcoin in society and why it is a significant asset in a sustainable development approach.

1. Fundamentals

Knowledge foundation

Themes covered :

• The main issues relating to Bitcoin
• Definitions, description, use cases
• Roots and context of emergence
• Paradigme shift
• Bitcoin vs. Blockchain vs. Crypto

3. Use

Using Bitcoin as an individual or as a business

Topics covered:

• General guidance, sequencing
• Buy, sell, store...
• Audit, run a node
• Mine, heat, balance...
• Specific use cases
• Accounting

2. Functioning

Bitcoin : technology and social layers, the ecosystem

Sujets traités :

• Techno. layer : mechanics, state of syst...
• Social layer: stkh analysis, culture...
• Market : adoption, valuation, price...
• Ecosystem : protocoles, layers, apps...

4. Bitcoin & Society

The virtues of Bitcoin through the prism of sustainable development

Themes covered:

• Bitcoin & Economy
• Bitcoin & Environment (incl. energy)
• Bitcoin & Social : inclusion, freedom...
• Bitcoin & Institutions: transparency, accountability, governance
• Bitcoin & Politics

Tailored Programmes

It may be a matter of adjusting the range of topics to be covered, emphasizing certain practical learning points, making arrangements in view of the number of participants or separate groups and their language requirements. Would you like a mix of face-to-face and distance learning sessions? Are you thinking of a particular facilitation method? Contact us! Let’s discuss your specific needs and ensure the success of this training course!

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