- Analytical
- Pragmatic
- Holistic
- Interdisciplinary
- 100% engaged in the pursuit of a greater balance with Nature
- 100% confident in our capacity to overcome challenges together
- 100% convinced of the boundless creativity of mankind
- 100% determined to help change the way we look at the world
- 100% involved in education for all on the #1 open source protocol for the value exchange
- Seasoned trainer-facilitator
- Clear objectives
- Effective process mgmt
- Engaging approaches for all audiences
- 100% focused on Bitcoin
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- Authenticity
- Speech-action consistency
- Learning attitude
- Geographic mobility
- Linguistic agility
- Ability to mobilise ad-hoc expertise to meet your needs
- Analytical
- Pragmatic
- Holistic
- Interdisciplinary
- 100% engaged in the pursuit of a greater balance with Nature
- 100% confident in our capacity to overcome challenges together
- 100% convinced of the boundless creativity of mankind
- 100% determined to help change the way we look at the world
- 100% involved in education for all on the #1 open source protocol for the value exchange
- Seasoned trainer-facilitator
- Clear objectives
- Effective process mgmt.
- Engaging approaches for all audiences
- 100% focused on Bitcoin
- Crypto casino a no go
- Authenticity
- Speech-action consistency
- Learning attitude
- Geographic mobility
- Linguistic agility
- Ability to mobilise ad-hoc expertise to meet your needs
Gen X, French, Eng. Agri, MSc. PhD.
Attracted by the life sciences and seeking a generalist education, I trained as an engineer in agronomy, followed by a master’s degree in environmental water management. My PhD was the perfect opportunity to explore the vital issues of water management and sanitation in a holistic way. It was at this time that I developed a keen interest in interdisciplinary systems analysis. I’ve never stopped cultivating it. It would later prove to be a great asset when it came to understanding Bitcoin.
I have nurtured this keen interest in my various jobs: entrepreneur, lecturer-researcher, educator, but above all consultant, technical expert for NGOs, consultancies and other government agencies working to improve access to drinking water, hygiene and sanitation in developing countries.
Working in Africa, Asia and Latin America, I became aware of the complex dynamics governing the relationship between human societies and water. I have come to understand the range of factors, which determine our ability to adopt new technologies and to change our individual and collective behavior to better manage this vital resource.
Building upon my expertise in natural resource management and sustainable development, I have witnessed many systemic obstacles to development projects.
Throughout my career in the so-called ‘development aid’ sector, I have worked on many projects aimed at improving people’s lives, usually through research and evaluation, partnership building and training.
The discovery of new contexts (political, institutional, cultural, natural, etc.) and the analysis of the conditions required for a sustainable improvement in basic services in rural and urban areas, or in slums, were all very enriching. The invaluable fieldwork enabled me to update my mental maps and to work with honest and competent people from different backgrounds .
As an evaluator, however, I have come to appreciate the questionable effectiveness and sustainability of many of these programmes. All too rarely do their modalities of intervention allow tapping into genuine endogenous development dynamics and capital. Despite its best intentions and the pristine skills it brings together, this sector struggles to learn from the systemic limitations of its actions.
I've found in Bitcoin a great tool for sustainable development : this technology is restoring meaning to this overused concept!
I discovered Bitcoin in 2017. I was then based in Ethiopia, working for the German government setting up water-related multi-stakeholder partnerships, and I began to study this object that piqued my curiosity. Struck by the richness of this learning, I accumulated over the months a wealth of insights and data supporting the idea that Bitcoin was a major technological leap designed to stimulate economic, social and environmental development.
Along the years I have refined my understanding and deepened the analysis, and the conclusion is crystal clear: Bitcoin is a tangible and effective response to the sustainable development objectives at the heart of my initial vocation. What’s more, Bitcoin is teaching us valuable lessons about transparency, accountability and good governance! I took the plunge in 2022 and decided to use my skills as a facilitator, trainer and consultant to educate people about Bitcoin and encourage them to adopt this hopeful technology, which is destined to become the standard protocol for exchanging value in the digital age.
My mission is to foster discernment and support education efforts in relation to this technology, to facilitate Bitcoin adoption, and to be a reliable mediator in this transition.
There is a major need to foster Bitcoin education and help people learn about it in discerning way. Such an undertaking remains risky, admittedly, given how taboo the remains! But the urgent need to put my talents at the service of my convictions wins out!
This “Bitcoin turn” is not a turn at all: I have never been more in tune with the essence of my professional commitment: 20 years ago I understood the vital importance for society of good water management. Today I understand the crucial importance of the sound management of money, this primordial technology which, just like water, irrigates the entire economy and civilisation.
Here’s an overview of my professional experience: the organisations I’ve worked for, and a representative sample of the assignments I’ve been given.
Senior Expert, Hydroconseil (France, 2020-2022)
Lead Evaluator:
• Water Resource Group 2030 (World Bank) – Water Stewardship Prog (14 countries)
• UNICEF Irak – National Water-Sanitation-Hygiene Programme
• French Development Agency – National Electrification Program (Mozambique)
Institutional Expert:
• Government of Mali – Nal. Governance Program for the Water & Sanitation Sector
Program Designer : Design and fundraising for an innovative ITC-based, PPP-wise approach to “inter-school competition” to boost school-based programme.
Program Expert (Ethiopia, 2017-2019)
International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP):
• Strategy development, planning and budgeting. Networking and fundraising
• Scoping, sector analyse, stakeholder dialogue
• Design and management of 2 multi-stakeholder partnerships : PVH-WWF-GoE-GIZ “Protecting Lake Hawassa” et GIZ-Diageo-GoE “Improving water security in Sebeta”.
• Team management, training, management of consultants
Programme Manager, Partnerships in Practice (UK, 2014-2017)
• Evaluation: GiZ-DFID IWaSP, Plan-Unilever partnership, WaterAid Burkina Faso and Tanzanie ; WSUP Zambie.
• Research:
⋅ WaterAid UK : Analysis of urban sanitation catalysts in developing countries (case studies: Philippines, India, Ghana). Improving WASH in school programming (Inde, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal). Sector analysis and recommendations.
⋅ DGIS (Dutch Gov ) : A typology of water partnerships
⋅ WSUP : Poverty analysis; Pro-poor targeting in urban WASH programmes.
⋅ Sciences-Po Paris : Private sector engagement in WASH in school programmes.
• Design: Interschool Competitions 2.0.
Prog. officer., Building Partnerships for Development (UK, 2010-2014)
• Power analysis tools for the governance of the water sector (WaterAid, 2013) ;
• Hybrid management models for community latrines (USAID-WSUP, 2012) ;
• Pro-poor and Resource protection policies in water PPPs (2011, Swiss Gov).
• Australian Gov. -WSUP (2013). WASH Program in Maputo (Mozambique)
• IDB-TCCC-MWA (2012) : WASH in School Program (Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala)
• USAID-Rotary Intal (2012) : IH2O project (Dominican Republic)
• USAID-TCCC (2012) : WASH , irrigation, and school-based project (Kenya, Maroc).
Projet Manager, Action Contre la Faim (Bilma, Niger 2002-2003)
• Water : Design, construction and rehabilitation of drinking water networks (Dirkou, Bilma) et organisation of management systems. Digging of deep wells along migration routes, and wells for communities and farmers.
• Sanitation: Implementation of a public latrines + shower service and a landfill site for solid waste (Dirkou).
Training & Facilitation
• The World Bank (2021) – Design and co-facilitation of the Evaluation & Learning programme organised for 14 countries of the Water Resource Group 2030
• Gov. of Mali (2022) – Facilitation of several on-line workshops (4-40 participants) as part of the design of the Nal. Governance Prog. for the Water & Sanitation sector
• Hydroconseil (2021) – On-line training on the Water Stewardship approach.
• PVH-WWF-Hawassa (2017-2018) – 10+ workshops with multi-stakeholder partnership participants to a) support its design et b) define its strategy
• AECID (Spanish Gov.) (2015) – « Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships » On-line training
• SUEZ (2013) – Mini-workshop “Operationalising the right to water and sanitation”
• Divers (2011-2014) – WASH in School Partnership workshops ; Developing Multistakeholder Partnerships in Practice (Ghana, Mali, Burkina, Niger).
• USAID (2012) – “Forging Global Development Alliances” workshop (Niger, Burkina)
• WSUP-USAID (2011) – Co-facilitation of a panafrican learning programme on “Hybrid Models for communal WASH facilities”.
ITESM – Tech de Monterrey (2009) : Lecturer-Researcher “Water for Development” for civil engineering students.
BTC TouchPoint, Founder (France, 2022-...)
Design, development and management of a Bitcoin-only education project. BTC TouchPoint comprises:
• a Web site, available in français, anglais et espagnol which proposes the first tailored approach to Bitcoin learning based on the original 4-quadrant methodology.
• a podcast, where Jacques-Edouard reads and comments essential Bitcoin-related texts, sharing with a French-speaking audience rich and diverse perspectives on Bitcoin, the technology and the social layer, as well as the paradigm shift it brings about.
• a YouTube channel : which features podcast episodes, translations of Anil’s slideshows, interviews, and an original series of educational/guidance videos facilitating the discovery of Bitcoin.
Ecotechnologies, Founder (France, 2003-2009)
Distribution in France of innovating water treatment technologies : management, development, marketing, sales and comms.
Water, Sustainable Development, Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
- Tiberghien J-E and Caplan K. (2021). Evaluation of the 2030 Water Resources Group Model & Lessons Learned for Achieving the SDGs. The World Bank
- Morrison, Schulte, Hermann-Friede, Feuerstein, Rychlewski, Hepworth, Sojamo, Caplan, Tiberghien, Pegram, and Baleta (2015) Guide for Managing Integrity in Water Stewardship Initiatives: A Framework for Improving Effectiveness and Transparency. The CEO Water Mandate and Water Integrity Network.
- Tiberghien J-E (2016). A tale of clean cities: Insights for planning urban sanitation from Kumasi, Ghana, Visakhapatnam, India, and San Fernando la Union, the Philippines. Case study reports. WaterAid
Development and school-based partnerships
- Tiberghien J-E – ISC 2.0 – Engaging ITC-based and PPP-wise inter-school competitions to boost school-based development programmes. Video
- Tiberghien J-E (2016). School WASH research: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal country reports. WaterAid.
- Tiberghien J-E. et al. (2015). Engaging Private Sector in WASH in school work
- Tiberghien J-E. et al. (2015). WASH in Schools Partnership: an Exploratory Review.
- Tiberghien J-E. (2013). Ex post evaluation of the ‘Mi Escuela Saludable’ SWASH + – Inter American Development Bank
PhD Research
- Tiberghien J-E (2002). ‘A Holistic Approach to the Assessment of Sanitation Mexican Villages’. PhD Thesis
- Tiberghien J-E., Tyrrel S., and Robbins P.T. (2010). Reflexive Assessment of Practical and Holistic Sanitation Development Tools using the rural and peri-urban case of Mexico. Journal of Environmental Management
Academic Background
PhD in Water & Sanitation Management
Cranfield University, Silsoe, Bedfordshire (UK, 1999-2002)
Double degree comprising:
MSc in Environmental Water Management
Cranfield University, Silsoe, Bedfordshire (UK, 1997-1998)
Environmental Sciences, Soil Pollution, Water Treatment
Van Hall Institute, Gröningen (NL, 1995)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur en Agriculture et Sciences de la Terre
UniLassalle (FR, 1993-1997)
Additional Training
The Art of Stakeholder Collaboration
Collective Leadership Institute – Potsdam, (D, 1998)
Group Facilitation Methods
ICA-UK, Manchester (UK, 2011)