Explore the LL Quadrant

In the lower left quadrant you will unearth...
…how Bitcoin changes our culture: our shared meanings and values, our morals, our language and the quality of our relationships.
Bitcoiners' culture
Bitcoiners' values
Reconnect with beauty
Morals & Justice !
Bitcoiners' culture
Bitcoiners' values
Reconnect with beauty
Morals & Justice !
Bitcoiners' Culture
Fiat cultural asphyxia
Our fiat monetary system breeds anger, nihilism and despair
Level 1
- Michael Maloney (2023). Keynes on Debauchery
- Guy Swann et al. (2022). When your money is meaningless, everything is
- Saifedean Ammous (2023). Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problem...
- Doc (2023). Percentage of adults identifying as LGBT...
Level 2
- Jörg Guido Hülsmann (2017). Cultural Consequences of The Federal Reserve. Mises Institute
- Marty Bent (2022). Perfectly Perverse Incentives. TFTC
- Allen Farington (2022). Bitcoin and Islamic Finance. Baltic HB 2022
- J. Song (2023). Fiat ruins work but Bitcoin rewards those who add value. BM
- N. Hayase (2023). Broken Hearts: Bitcoin restores the soul of pychology. BM
Niveau 3
Cypherpunk origins
1. Bitcoin culture is rooted in the cypherpunk movement
Level 1
- Bitcoin Prehistory
- Rémi Forte et Julien Goetz (2021). Le mystère Satoshi : enquête sur l'inventeur du bitcoin. ARTE
- Reason TV (2022). Cypherpunks Write Code
Level 2
- T. C. May (1988). The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto - Nakamoto Institute
- J.P Barlow (1996). A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - Nakamoto Institute
- E. Hughes(1993). A Cypherpunk's Manifesto - Nakamoto Institute
Level 3
2. Becoming a bitcoiner, adopt their values
1. Counter-culture
Level 1
- Bitcoin 200T (2023). “…here’s what Wall Street doesn’t understand about Bitcoiners… We're psychopaths!!!”
- Carla (2022). Bitcoin is defiance
- TheRustyTwitt (2022). Gardez bien à l’esprit que nous tentons de changer les *normes sociales acceptées
- Peter (2023). "Are you guys psychopaths?"
- Michael Saylor (2023). Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
- Calle (2023). If you are interested in the success of Bitcoin you should welcome everyone who can join
- Eric Voskuil (2023). There is no value proposition in Bitcoin unless you're willing to be black market
Level 2
- R. Walshe (2022). Bitcoin Psychopaths vs Bitcoin Sociopaths - Baltic HB 2022
- Giacomo Zucco (2022). Bitcoin Cultures. Unconfiscatable 2022
- Sergej Kotliar (2023). Bitcoin cultures & growing Bitcoin use in A Bitcoin Reality Check. What Bitcoin Did
- Giacomo Zucco (2023). "Bitcoin Cultures" presentation for Strike
Level 3
2. Bitcoin maximalism
Level 1
- Grittoshi (2022). The Way of the Bitcoin Maximalism
- Ronin (2023). Can you prove you’re a #Bitcoin maximalist Anon?
- Michael Saylor (2023). If you think Bitcoin is an ethical imperative, you're a bitcoin maximalist
- AmericanHODL (2023). It's a revolutionary action to actually love yourself
- Tuur Demeester (2023). A bitcoiner takes the slur you hurl at him and wears it like armor.
- Cory Klippsten (2020). Ten Million Bitcoiners: The Intransigent Minority
Level 2
- Pete Rizzo (2021). How To Be A Bitcoin Maximalist. Forbes
- John Carvalho (2022). Explaining Bitcoin Maximalism in a way that shitcoiners might understand
- Aleksandar Svetski (2020). What it takes to be a Bitcoiner
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Bitcoiners are Not Toxic — They Have Integrity.
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Toxicity, Integrity, & Maximalism in Bitcoiners are Not Toxic - They Have Integrity.
Level 3
Peace movement
1. Bitcoiners are peacemakers
Level 1
- Tomer Strolight (2020). 27. Why Bitcoin is a Movement of Peace ?
- Gigi (2021). Bitcoin is Love because it is completely voluntary.
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Bitcoin Is a Declaration of Peace
- Tomer Strolight (2021). If You Love Freedom, the Earth and the Environment, Consider Becoming a Bitcoiner
- Lawrence Lepard (2023). People left to their own devices will cheat... here’s a form of monetary economics you can’t cheat. The Bitcoin Matrix Podcast
- Nozomi Hayase (2023). When human beings are allowed to act out of love they produce a lot of valuable things in the world. The Bitcoin Matrix Podcast
Level 2
2. Criminals prefer fiat
Level 1
- Bitcoin is money for the criminals. No Fear ! More FUD debunking !
- Dutch government’s Scientific Research and Documentation Center (2022). Criminals are hesitant of using bitcoin and prefer using legacy systems.
- S. Hodder (2023). In 2022, banks paid $1.8T in fines: all this reg. attention on Crypto is a LARP considering our market cap is only half of their annual fines
- Tomer Strolight (2020). 27. Why You Shouldn't Fear Bitcoin ?
Level 2
- Thomas Semaan (2023). It is actually cash that is used to move money without traces. in The Ethics Of Mixing
- Lewis, Parker (2019). Bitcoin is Not for Criminals. Unchained Capital
Level 3
Bitcoiners' Values
1. Bitcoin addresses the trust issue
Level 1
- Jimmy Song (2022). Good times create lots of trust...which gets abused and create need for verification.
- Tuur Demeester (2022). "Keep Your Community Safe, DEMAND Proof-of-Keys!"
- Americanhodl3 (2022). Bitcoin is rational optimism.
Level 2
- Atistophanes (2023). The bank run on trust. Bitcoin Magazine
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Bitcoiners are Not Toxic - They Have Integrity.
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Toxicity, Integrity, & Maximalism in Bitcoiners are Not Toxic - They Have Integrity.
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Sound Money and Sound Art — The Common Denominator is Integrity
Level 3
- Gigi (2022). How Was the Trust Problem Solved in Cryptography is Not Enough - Baltic Honeybadger 2022
- John Vallis and BB (2021). First Hand Account of a 'Bitcoin Transformation (38"). Bitcoin Rapid Fire
- Vallis, Breedlove, Cason, et AmericanHodl (2023). "The Function Of ‘Truth’ & Trying To Align With It" in Hodl Hang #8: The Banking Crisis, $1M Bitcoin Bet, Nostr, The Future of Politics & More
1. The fiat system discourages responsible behavior
Level 1
- R. Breedlove et J. Peterson (2022). Inflation penalizes prudence, rewards non-productive roles
- Gigi (2023). Bitcoin Forces You to Take Responsibility
Level 2
- Marty Bent (2023). Issue #1335: We live in an era bereft of accountability
- TIP_NZ (2022). Exit the Cantillionaires Game with Bitcoin
Level 3
2. Bitcoin rewards responsibility and merit
Level 1
- R. Breedlove et J. Peterson (2022). Inflation penalizes prudence, rewards non-productive roles
- Gigi (2023). Bitcoin Forces You to Take Responsibility
- Marty Bent (2023). Bitcoin is a forcing function for accountability
Level 2
- Value4Value (2022). Way of Life
- R. Breedlove (2023).Importance of Responsibility That Comes With Ownership in Here for the Truth on Money and Bitcoin
- Richard Reel and John Vallis (2023).On the role and responsibility of rituals on a bitcoin standard. John Vallis Bitcoin Rapid-Fire
- Marty Bent (2023). Take on the burden now so our children don't have to.
- Jimmy song (2022). Fiat Knowledge: Only Bitcoin Creates A Culture That Rewards Verification. Bitcoin Songsheet #17
Level 3
- Willem Van Den Bergh (2021). The (ir)relevance of experts: top-down versus bottom-up information flow
- Jordan B Peterson (2022). Inflation Penalizes Prudence and, In Doing So, Destroys Civilization in Bitcoin as an Incorruptible System of Value. WiM
Freedom and individual sovereignty
Level 1
- Michael Saylor (2022) - Bitcoin will never die as long as there's one person alive in this world that yearns for freedom. The Bitcoin Matrix Podcast
- US Sen. Cynthia Lummis (2023). Bitcoin allows individuals their own sovereignty and to implement and use and secure their own values as Americans.
- Tomer Strolight (2020). 3. Why Choose Bitcoin ?
- Friedrich Hayek (1976) - What we now need is a Free Money Movement comparable to the Free Trade Movement of the 19th century.
- A. Stachtchenko (2022). Bitcoin comme source de liberté - Quel avenir pour Bitcoin ? Liber-Thé
- Yorick de Mombynes (2021). Bitcoin et la liberté. Liber-thé
- Reason TV (2021). Cypherpunks Write Code
Level 2
- Alex Gladstein (2022) - Bitcoin is a Trojan Horse for freedom dressed up as a 'get-rich-quick scheme'. Lex Fridman Podcast
- Odell (2023) - Bitcoin is Freedom money
- Jordan B Peterson (2023) - "You have the right to free speech so you have the opportunity to pursue Truth" in Bitcoin as an Incorruptible System of Value with Jordan Peterson (WiM168)
- Gigi (2023) - Freedom Money - Episode 1. Bitcoin Magazine
- Gigi (2022) - A cashless society is an unfree society.
- N. Smolenski (2022) - The Path of Freedom and Sovereignty. What Bitcoin Did
- Thomas Fahrer (2023). Bitcoin and the Marketplace of Ideas: How Bitcoin Embodies Free Speech
- Eric Voskuil (2023) - Don't dismiss free banking!
- Brian Roemmele (2021) - The declaration of Individual Ownership.
- Croesus (2023) - The cynical view of where worldwide policy decisions are actually made: the org chart you've never seen.
Level 3
Reconnect with Beauty
1. A decline of artistic expression under the fiat regime?
Level 1
- Saifedean Ammous (2022). How high-time preference [...] ruins our world
- Pig0unette (2022). The most accurate IQ bell curve meme ever made. Classic.
- WalterKühl (2022). We realize early what we had and we have lost ...
- Daniel Prince (2022). And then the artists with degrees arrived...
- Dr Bitcoin MD (2023). Culture, art, and beauty have disintegrated over time this is a product of the global fiat monetary system, untethered from energy
- The Best (2023). Most fashion shows these days...
Level 2
2. Will we experience an artistic renaissance under a Bitcoin standard?
Level 1
- RyanZacMusic (2022). Composing this Renaissance 2.0... was made possible by the freedom provided me by Bitcoin...
- RyanZacMusic (2023). Bitcoin low time preference leads to beauty, abundance, joy, and art that is the result of passion, potential and talent finally set free to create...
- FractalEncrypt (2021). The Bitcoin Full Node Sculpture, A Cypherpunk Chronometer.
- Mason (2023). It's a beautiful day. Stay Humble
- Ludo (2023). Bitcoin in Paris. Bonjour tout le monde !
Level 2
- Stephen Chow (2020). The Art of Funding Art - The Chow Art Fund Collection. Empathyfilms Productions
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Sound Money and Sound Art — The Common Denominator is Integrity
- Bitcoin Apex (2022). After almost 210 hours, my drawing Bitcoin Manifesto at block time 743174 is now complete
- Aleks Svetski (2023). Beauty in The UnCommunist Manifesto, Shifting Focusses, & The Pace of Bitcoin Adoption
Level 3
- Stephen Chow (2023). Chow Art Fund
- Roger Scruton (2017). The True, the Good and the Beautiful
1. Abandonment of traditional architecture under the fiat era
Level 1
- J. Vallis (2022). What you seek to elevate or celebrate w/ your labour & resources, is of the utmost consequence, in terms of what you ultimately create.
- S. Ammous (2022). How high-time preference ruins our world...
- S. Ammous (2022). The world would have a lot less land wasted on roads if road builders were only private entities that had to pay market price for land.
- Tuur Demeester (2022). If our recent ancestors knew how to nurture Stability, Utility, and Beauty, it means I as well can learn that
- Culture Critic (2023). Why do they do this to us?
- Tuur Demeester (2023). Natural vs. artificial bank rates
- Jeremy Wayne Tate (2023). Why can't we build what they built? Because we don't believe what they believed. It's not an issue of technical ability.
Level 2
- Michael Diamant (2022). Fiat Architecture. The Bitcoin Standard Podcast
- The Cultural Tutor (2022). Why has traditional architecture... disappeared?
- The Cultural Tutor (2022). Why did the USA do this to its cities?
- The Cultural Tutor (2022). Skyscrapers used to be Art Deco and neo-Gothic...
- Roger Scruton (2015). Architecture and Aesthetic Education
2. A renaissance of architecture under a Bitcoin standard?
Morals & Justice !
Hunger for justice !
Level 1
- Der Gigi (2022). Money is just information. Bitcoin is just information
- Wicked (2022). With proof of work, the distribution of bitcoin continues to be fair and ethical.
- LanaLightning (2023). Initial distribution of #Bitcoin tokens
- Michael Saylor (2023). The freedom lovers, those who worship truth, those optimistic about the future of the humanity...The Wolf Of All Streets
- R. Breedlove (2023). Perhaps Bitcoin can help us end this corruptive influence on the human heart.
- R. Breedlove (2023). There is one time in The Bible when Christ employs coercion: to cast out corrupt moneychangers from the temple.
Level 2
- Tomer Strolight (2022). The Bitcoin Rule: Do Unto Others and Be Done Unto By Them Only By Mutual Agreement
- Gigi (2022). Bitcoin-related books on morality.
- Bitcoin_apex (2023). The First Proclamation - Anything that can be controlled by humans will be sooner or later, without exception. The problem: humans are humans.
- Sovereign Saxon (2023). Den of thieves - The day the Christ lost his s**t
Level 3
Fair frame of reference
Absolutism vs. relativism
Level 1
- M. Odell (2023). In a post-truth world Bitcoin is the only thing that we know is real
- Tip_NZ (2022). Truth is Alive
- L. Lepard (2023). People left to their own devices will cheat... and here’s a form of monetary economics where you can’t cheat. The Bitcoin Matrix Podcast
Level 2
- Robert Breedlove (2022). Defining Truth (and its Antagonism to Fiat) and The Spirit of Truth, the Process of Inquiry, and Freedom of Speech in Bitcoin as an Incorruptible System of Value with Jordan Peterson. WiM
- J. Vallis (2021). Reverence for Truth in Bullish on Bitcoiners. Bitcoin Matrix
Level 3
Financial culture for all
Eager to bridge the critical financial education gap
Level 1
- Gigi (2018). Lesson #8 - Financial Ignorance in 21 Lessons
- Giacomo Zucco (2022 ). KYC laws mean you don’t understand economics. The whole point for money is that you don’t have to know your customer.
- Bitcoin Magazine (2023). Bitcoin is freedom
- (2023). It is a moral duty of a society to amputate limbs that are killing the rest of body.
- Tuur Demeester (2023). Satoshi mentions fractional reserve his very first public announcement.
- IBEX (2023). A Sly Roundabout Way. Swan Bitcoin
Level 2
- Anil (2022). Bitcoin and the printing press. BM
- Tomer Strolight (2021). Bitcoin Taught Me How to Teach
- Der Gigi (2021). Dear Family, Dear Friends. A letter to all of you who still have no bitcoin.
- R. Breedlove (2023). The hard truth about fiat currency from the author of one of the most important books ever written—The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Courage, determination, abnegation, stamina, conviction...
Level 1
- L. Lepard (2023). These Bitcoin guys are charging up the hill w/ a sharper spear & we're going to kill this fiat monster.
- Hodlnaut 13%er (2023). The nine principles of the Viking honor system: Bitcoin compatible
- Carl ₿ MENGER (2023). Bitcoin conferences in 2023: Damn bear market
- T Callahan (2023). When your car starts making noises that sound expensive
- Naiive (2023). Bitcoin
- Tuur Demeester (2023). We are in the early stages of a cultural shift that has asceticism as one of its core tenets.
Level 2