
What you will achieve here

Develop a balanced understanding

Putting your right and left brains at work to analyse and make sense of Bitcoin your understanding of Bitcoin will find a good balance of: 

You will gain a broad, holistic understanding of Bitcoin and its ecosystem. The 4-Quadrant Map is the tool you’ll use to navigate the different dimensions of Bitcoin.

Your knowledge will gain in depth and sophistication. Our three-level system (beginner, intermediate, expert) facilitates this ramp-up in practical and theoretical knowledge.

The volatility of Bitcoin’s price tests us in many ways. You will get prepared for this emotional roller coaster, gaining insight into the shifting emotions that accompany the cyclical variations of Bitcoin price.

You will evolve into a broader worldview that integrates and transcends your old perceptions. Bitcoin is both a factor of social cohesion and a support for the sovereign individual within each of us. 

You will gain a broad, holistic understanding of Bitcoin and its ecosystem. The 4-Quadrant Map is the tool you’ll use to navigate the different dimensions of Bitcoin.

Your knowledge will gain in depth and sophistication. Our three-level system (beginner, intermediate, expert) facilitates this ramp-up in practical and theoretical knowledge.

The volatility of Bitcoin’s price tests us in many ways. You will get prepared for this emotional roller coaster, gaining insight into the shifting emotions that accompany the cyclical variations of Bitcoin price.

You will evolve into a broader worldview that integrates and transcends your old perceptions. Bitcoin is both a factor of social cohesion and a support for the sovereign individual within each of us. 

You will gain a broad, holistic understanding of Bitcoin and its ecosystem. The 4-Quadrant Map is the tool you'll use to navigate the different dimensions of Bitcoin.

Your knowledge will gain in depth and sophistication. Our three-level system (beginner, intermediate, expert) facilitates this ramp-up in practical and theoretical knowledge.

The volatility of Bitcoin's price tests us in many ways. You will get prepared for this emotional roller coaster, gaining insight into the shifting emotions that accompany the cyclical variations of Bitcoin price.

You will evolve into a broader worldview that integrates and transcends your old perceptions. Bitcoin is both a factor of social cohesion and a support for the sovereign individual within each of us. 

Access the best sector players and resources

Bitcoin is complex and can be approached from countless angles and the amount of educational resources is growing fast. Whilst we produce some original material (blogs, podcast) the value we bring is mostly in sourcing the best knowledge around, translating it as needed, organising it and facilitating a progressive and balanced learning. 

Once the "First Steps" completed, you will carve your own learning path. You will be proposed the most appropriate ressources to gain an overview of some topics or to explore them in greater depth.  To pursue very specific objectives we will recommend you to take specific on-line courses delivered by other institutions. 

Things you won't do here

BTC TouchPoint is not providing any bitcoin trading advice. We simply do not bring those rare skills. Unless you are an extremely talented individual, there are 99% chances that you will lose money overall if you get into trading. Indeed, you will have to compete against bots, market makers, and individual experts bordering genius.

You may learn things in the process but you will spend considerable time and energy that could otherwise be invested in building a strong understanding of Bitcoin and start accumulating sats. 

This is not a certified course

How long does it take?

Because you will be directed towards the best resources matching your interest and aptitudes, your learning process will be far more efficient than what most prior bitcoiners experienced.

It depends on how much time you can dedicate and how fascinated by the subject you become.


Before you engage in this learning why not turn your attention inwards for a few minutes to generate a reference point of your current mindset, expectations, and emotions in relation to BitcoinIt is fully optional! 

As trivial as it may seem today, chances are that you will enjoy reading this self-review note in a few years time, recalling your initial state of mind and acknowledging the ground covered since.  

NB: We are not collecting your input data. Merely emailing it straight to you. You can always do a screen capture if in doubt.

Key points

Following the learning approach proposed on this website:

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